Study Tips & Plan for RRB JE: Step by Step Guide

What is RRB JE?

The Railway Recruitment Board offers a test to get appointed in RRB JE as a Junior Engineer in different departments of Indian Railways. Railway recruitment 2019 apply online process for all RRB JE jobs is very easy and open to all candidates. A person who has 3 years of diploma in electrical, mechanical or civil engineering is suitable for the job.

RRB JE Preparation:

Each year, a large number of students apply for the job. Only a few students are selected from thousands of candidates. You have to make sure that you are well prepared and well instructed before you appear for the test.
All the registered candidates should follow the following strategy to increase your chances to get selected for RRB JE:
=> Must follow the exam pattern and syllabus.
=> Solve past years question papers.
=> Prepare notes for different topics you cover.
=> Practice a sufficient number of questions for the betterment of your skills.
=> Get instructions from the experts.
=> Understand the questions carefully and answer them in within the given time.
=> Try to solve the questions in less time by keeping a record on a stopwatch.
=> Practice the difficult questions again and again.

Preparation Tips:

RRB JE has announced a large number of vacancies earlier this year.
Following are the strategies to prepare for each subject.

Preparation for Mathematics:
The Mathematic section requires a lot of attention. You have to prepare diligently for it. Follow the following tips:
=> Point out the tough and easy topics. You will understand better from where to start.
=> Always start with easy topics and finish them as early as possible. Then move to the difficult ones.
=> Always memorize the difficult formulas. Practice them regularly.
=> For gaining accuracy, try to practice tricks and remember tables.
=> Prepare a sufficient number of questions to increase your skills.
=> Revise regularly to memorize the topics better.

Preparation for General Intelligence and Reasoning:
=> You have to improve your ability of thinking and problem-solving skills.
=> Focus on the verbal and non-verbal types of concepts. Make sure to practice each and every concept thoroughly.
=> Start with easy topics and then move to the difficult ones.
=> Don’t make unnecessary assumptions while solving any problem. Use smart and appropriate tricks.

General Intelligence and Reasoning questions will be asked in both CBT 1 and CBT 2 exam. In CBT 1, questions are related to General Science. In CBT 2, the questions are from Physics and Chemistry. The exam is of 150 marks and each question holds 1 mark.

Preparation for General Science:
=> Refer the books of class 9th and 10th to get your basics. You must have to understand the theory.
=> Revise regularly because it plays an important role in the exam.
=> Create notes to revise all the topics covered under subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Life Sciences.
=> Solve previous year papers.

Preparation for General Awareness:
=> Read magazines, newspapers and different blogs.
=> Watch the news daily so you will have a record of the current affairs.
=> You should have a record of different topics like sports, politics, awards, and entertainment.
=> Read on a daily basis. Read once won’t give you any benefit.
=> To get the idea, take a look at the previous papers.

Preparation for Technical Abilities:
The Technical Abilities subjects are different for each exam group.
=> Create notes related to topics with respect to your exam group.
=> Clear your basics for every topic.
=> Solve easy questions and then move to the difficult ones.
=> Practice the difficult questions again and again.
=> You should have a grip on C, C++ and Java Language.
=> Revise regularly.

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