7 common questions on plagiarism by students

Plagiarism in the information age is a difficult concept to understand. To “plagiarize” can be many things like “to steal someone’s idea and use it as one’s own” or “to use someone’s production without crediting the source.” 

There are some common questions we can find on student’s mind regarding plagiarism.

1. What are plagiarism and their types?

In simple language, plagiarism is an act of duplicity. Stealing someone’s work or ideas and later lying about the copy these two things comes under college plagiarism. There are two types of plagiarism – one is unintentional and the other one is deliberate. Nowadays plagiarism has become an easy method due to the availability text materials or books in electronic format. Mainly students sometimes unintentionally or deliberately done this new crime.

2. How to detect plagiarism?

We know a famous quote that if you want to solve a problem then solve it from the root. The same thing implies for plagiarism. So to detect plagiarism we have to prevent plagiarism from appearing in the first place, but it is not always simple.

  • Warning signals: Uncommon phrasings, enlightened concepts for the level of class, incorrect sources in the bibliography are some of the signals about a plagiarized writing.
  • Google search: The Google search engine can also be used to identify an unusual phrase or sentence is plagiarized or not by simply entering that part into the search engine and if a match found, then that is fully plagiarized.
  • Tools for detecting plagiarism: There are some sites provide online tools for detecting plagiarism. Plagiarism.org, SafeAssign, Glatt Plagiarism Services, Eve, smallseotools.com, etc.

3. How to avoid plagiarism?

During the writing of a blog post or an academic paper, if anyone opted for copy-and-pasting text from the internet then he/she is inviting plagiarism instead of avoiding. But if we correctly traverse three areas like Summary, Paraphrase, and Quote, then unintentional plagiarism can be avoided. 

4. Why mainly students do this plagiarism?

There are so many reasons behind plagiarism, but here we will discuss those important ones.

  • Many students have less idea about research skills.
  • Most of the students don’t know how to analyze the internet sources.
  • Students most of the times can’t distinguish what is paraphrased text and what is plagiarized text.
  • During notetaking students carelessly mixed up paraphrased material and directly quoted material.
  • Many students are totally confused about how to use proper cite sources.

5. What are the punishments for breaking the rule of plagiarism? 

If minor plagiarism case comes into the picture then the concerned department will review it but if the violation is critical, then punishment can be light or harsh depending on the institution where we study.

6. What are the advantages & disadvantages of plagiarism?

If we are not caught for plagiarism, then our work would be faster and easier without any unnecessary mental pressure. Plagiarism is a work of dishonesty, high-risk activity and can hamper anyone’s chances of building a successful career.

7. Plagiarism and Copywrite infringement are same?

As per the belief, plagiarism and copyright infringement are not same. Not every plagiarism incident is copyright infringement similarly, not all incident of copyright infringement is plagiarism.

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