How to Prepare Biology for Class 12 Board Exam?

Class 12 is a crucial stage in every student’s life. All the four subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Biology have equal importance, among which biology is a very important subject for both class 12 board exam and other medical exams like NEET and AIIMS. According to many students, Biology is very interesting and also a favorite subject. Therefore, students aspiring to appear for AIIMS and NEET must concentrate more on the Biology syllabus as it provides the foundation for higher education.

As per the new updates and the date sheet released by the Central Board of Secondary Education – CBSE board, class 12 Biology examination will be held in the month of April 2018. Hope all the students are ready with their preparations.

Here are some important tips and tricks to prepare for class 12 biology board exams.

  1. As there will be a lot of study materials, prepare a study plan, which will help you to study effectively and will reduce the stress.
  1. Divide the study material into several parts, so that you can cover the complete material in a short period of time. Concentrate more on those topics which have more weightage in class 12 exams.
  1. Always remember to prepare answers with their respective diagram, flowchart, all important terms, and dates of inventions as they may fetch more marks in the exams. For example -Types of cells, this question can be elaborated and explained in detailed along with the discovery, different types of cells, examples, and their labeled diagrams.
  1. Revise the running notes, practice the model papers, important questions, practice writing and spend more time in recalling and discussing the topics, answers, definitions, formulae and equations.
  1. Make sure to note down all the important points, formulae, name of the scientists and their discoveries while preparing as it may be helpful during last minute revisions.
  1. Practice by writing the answers and biological terms, as writing will help one to remember the concept very easily.
  1. Refer more previous year question papers. By doing this, students will be more familiar with the marking scheme and also have an idea about the question paper pattern and few frequently asked questions.
  1. Biology is all about diagrams and is heavy on its theory. Long essay answers can be practiced by reducing it to a simpler and more explanative way. For example- Human blood and blood groups This is a huge topic with maximum marks. It is completely about the blood, its discovery, types, etc. Here students can make the concept simple by dividing the answers into small paras or points along with the diagrams.

These were some important tips and tricks about how to prepare Biology for class 12 board exam.

For more information, students can subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel and check the YouTube videos about how to prepare Biology for class 12 board exam and also learn about biology -related topics from various engaging video lessons provided in the channel.

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