Education News

What Do You Understand by an Organization Structure?

Inside any company, a large number of activities are carried out by big groups of individuals organization Structure, spread across multiple departments (e.g. Production, Sales, Marketing, Purchase, Human Resources, Administration, Inventory (Stock), IT Systems, Accounts etc. The activities within these departments must be properly coordinated such that every employee understands his responsibilities. Also, the employees […]


What Are The Different Types of Corporations?

There are several types of corporations, some of which are: C corporation: Most large companies and many smaller ones are C corporations. They sell ownership as shares of stock. Stockholders have the right to vote on important company decisions at the annual meeting or to vote by proxy. To raise capital, the C corporation can […]


Corporation: A Basic Business Legal Structure

There are several types of corporations, but each is considered a “legal person,” or entity, composed of stockholders under a common name. A corporation has rights and responsibilities under the law; it can buy and sell property, enter into leases and contracts, and be prosecuted. Corporations issue stock that is divided among the founders and […]


Building Your Personal Brand: Reputation Management is Important in a Digital World

There was once a time when building your reputation or your company’s reputation was just a matter of advertising and delivering a great product. Those times have changed drastically and reputation has become not just an asset but a potential liability, as certain congressmen with itchy twitter fingers can attest. Careers in TOEFL that sometimes […]

Education News

How will an Education Consultant Help You?

Couple of years back when abroad training was a mystery to the world, number of worldwide understudies was just a tiny in number. Over a timeframe and with expanding prominence of abroad training and estimation of instruction offered at outside colleges among the worldwide understudies, the tables turned. Interestingly, among these global understudies is 30 […]

App Reviews Education

The Best Grammar Checker Apps!

  I don’t think that I would be making an exaggerating statement by saying that English is becoming our national language graduallys. Almost everyone can be seen conversing it. However unlike Hindi, English has far too many rules to abide with which makes communication (written or oral) tough. To ensure that you write and speak […]