Integrating Individuals with Disabilities into the Community

Autism is one of the fastest growing behavioural disorders in the world. In UK alone, around 700,000 people have autism. In the US, it affects 1 in 68 children. Across the world, the number of children with autism is increasing.

Most people associate autism with young children. But what happens when children with autism grow up? Is this world a kind place for them to live in?

Over the past few years, people’s awareness about autism has increased significantly. Yet, the truth is- people with autism continue to face many challenges and hardships that have a negative impact on their quality of life.

One of the major difficulties faced by adults with autism is lack of job opportunities. In fact, the same is true for people suffering from other types of physical and mental disabilities. A major percentage of disabled people across the world remain unemployed. Despite the efforts of governments and NGOs, it is difficult for people with autism and other disabilities to find the right work opportunities.

But with platforms like Transformify, the change may be just around the corner!

In today’s information age, it has become possible for people to work from different locations. In recent years, many online platforms have emerged that have made it easier for businesses and people looking for jobs to connect with each other.

Transformify is a similar kind of platform, but with an important difference! It caters specifically to the requirements of adults with autism and other disabilities. By providing them an opportunity to work from home, Transformify aims to make it easier for them to earn a decent living and support their families.

Moreover, Transformify takes new initiatives from time to time to help people with disabilities live a better life. Dream On, a campaign launched by Transformify, is one such initiative which will provide an opportunity to people who have been diagnosed with autism or disabilities to express themselves through articles and short videos. They can upload their videos and articles on the website. The participant who submits the most inspiring video or article will also receive a prize.

People with autism or other disabilities can make significant contributions to the society. More such initiatives are required for integration of disabled people into the community.

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